About Mozon Human Resources Management (MHR)

Mozon Human Resources Management in Jordan (MHR) is specially designed to enhance the efficiency of the organizational system, effectively managing human resources and ensuring improved productivity for all employees. By automating most operations related to human capital management, Mozon Human Resources Management in Jordan (MHR)  simplifies complex processes, allowing businesses to streamline HR tasks effortlessly. The system is versatile and can be used both by the Human Resources Department and individual employees, providing seamless access across various devices such as smartphones and desktops. Whether you are looking to optimize HR functions or improve employee engagement, Mozon Human Resources Management in Jordan (MHR) delivers a high-performance solution that ensures smooth, efficient management of your workforce.

لإدارة التعليم

What Does MHR Do ?

Attendance and departure program

Connecting shifts to the fingerprint device, defining shifts and assigning employees to them, creating work schedules and defining official holidays

  • Working hours analysis and adjustment system
  • Entry and exit reports and work log

Personnel Program

Management of leave and departure policies Archiving and indexing employee documents of all kinds, creating pre-prepared templates for official books directed to external institutions

  • Manage subscriptions and health insurance policies for various contributors
  • Overtime calculation management
  • Comprehensive management reports for all employee management information

payroll software

Management of calculating salaries, disbursing them, transferring them to banks and stopping them, meeting the requirements and reports of the relevant authorities from income tax, social security and the Ministry of Labor, statistical and analytical reports for salaries and financial movements of employees

  • Definition of the organization’s organizational structure and employee files and data
  • Managing everything related to the employee financially by entering the financial dues and all kinds of obligations and deductions
  • The predecessor and
    loans through
  • Exchange and reimbursement
    and schedule it

Alerts system and system users

Departures, vacations, contracts, documents, leave files, documents, employees, financial movements, financial contracts, covenant

System users

    • Multi-user system
    • Log users’ movements
    • Log in to the system

Employee Self Service Program

Inquiries employees about their administrative files, automating the process of submitting requests for leave, departures and advances

  • Managing approvals by managers
  • Create a specific workflow for backlogs

Disciplinary Action Program

Create a list of procedures and penalties, employee violations and interrogations

  • Disciplinary actions for employees
  • Violation reports and penalties

MHR Features

Multi user, can be used by more from user in same time

Bilingual system, the system supports two languages; Arabic and English

Multi company, can manage affairs staff for more than a company through the system

Automated financial link with management systems Finance

The system can be linked with Various monitoring devices Opening times for recording entry and exit Staff departures

Best Mozon Human Resources Management in Jordan MHR System is a comprehensive solution specifically designed to enhance the efficiency of human resources operations within businesses. As one of the best Mozon Human Resources Management in Jordan MHR System, it streamlines and automates a wide range of tasks, from employee recruitment and onboarding to payroll, performance management, and more. The system offers a seamless approach to managing human capital, ensuring that both HR departments and employees experience a significant boost in productivity. With the best Mozon Human Resources Management in Jordan MHR System, companies can easily manage their workforce, track attendance, and handle benefits and leave requests with remarkable ease, freeing up time for more strategic decision-making.

One of the key features of the best Mozon Human Resources Management in Jordan MHR System is its versatility in supporting various devices. Whether accessed through a smartphone or desktop, the system provides employees and HR managers with real-time access to essential data, ensuring that no task is delayed due to technical limitations. This high level of accessibility makes it ideal for businesses looking to implement a modern, mobile-friendly HR solution. Additionally, the system’s user-friendly interface ensures that employees can independently manage their personal information, track their performance, and even request time off, reducing the workload for HR departments.

The best Mozon Human Resources Management in Jordan MHR System not only simplifies day-to-day HR processes but also plays a key role in long-term workforce management. By offering powerful analytics and reporting features, it helps businesses track employee performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions that improve employee retention, engagement, and overall performance. This data-driven approach to HR management ensures that companies can stay competitive, meet regulatory requirements, and enhance the overall employee experience.

For organizations in Jordan looking for an efficient and reliable solution to manage their human resources, the best Mozon Human Resources Management in Jordan MHR System stands as the top choice. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, this system adapts to your unique needs, offering scalable features that grow with your company. With its powerful automation capabilities and comprehensive support for both HR professionals and employees, the best Mozon Human Resources Management in Jordan MHR System is truly the future of human capital management in Jordan.

Now, hurry up and request your demo, contact us today!

Our Clients

Time Center

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بيت البن البرازيلي

Chili House

مطاعم حمادة



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