About Mozon Education System (MEDU)
The Mozon Education System and Innovation system is a comprehensive and integrated solution designed for the regions of all parties and elements of the school educational process, teachers, students and parents. The system is available in the form of a desktop application installed within the educational system, but the system provides and can also deal with the possibility of cloud installation institutions or institutions As an option, get Medu system now to join more than 100 clients within a utility network for this sector in the Middle East! Accredited by the Arab Organization for Quality Management in Education (AROQA).
MEDU Parts
Corporate Accounting
- Issuing all special financial statements (budget, income statement, trial balance)
- Tree of accounts with multiple levels
- A specialized accounting system that covers all financial transactions and movements, considering the school is a private company
- Check management system for monitoring the status of bank checks and all the movements that occur on them
- Reports in multiple formats that meet all the needs of administrative and official levels
Student's Accounting
- Distribution of school fees for each grade and level, registration fees, and subscriptions
- Drawing up a discount policy and the mechanism for granting and approving them, whether it is a percentage or a specific amount
- Processing revenue received in advance
- Definition of the school’s organizational structure (programs, sections, stages, grades)
- Different forms of financial claims (statements, publications, automated SMS)
- Statements of the balances of students and families and those who are late in paying
Admission & Registration
- Managing student registration, renewal, transfer and withdrawal processes
- Issuing registration agreements and printing bills of exchange
- Issuing special price offers for each family
- Detailed and statistical reports on admission and registration processes
- A system for tracking registration requests from various sources
- Issuing certificates and approved forms for admission and registration purposes
- Online pricing system
- Transportation areas management
- Determine the cost of going back and forth or both for each region
- Distributing students to transportation areas
- Detailed reports of the transportation system
- Determine the tour and bus for each student
Cost Centers
- Automatic linking between cost centers and related accounts in the chart of accounts
- Monitoring the profits or losses of each school department (for each cost center) within a specific period
- The possibility of automatic distribution of revenues and expenses to cost centers according to the percentages specified by the user for each cost center
- The possibility of branching out the cost center, in addition to the possibility of taking reports on the main and subsidiary cost centers
Inventory & Warehouse
- Managing the process of selling and distributing uniforms and books
- Treating assets and fixed assets, whether in terms of sales or consumption value of these assets
- Treating the covenant on two levels; Department level and employee level
- Classifying and placing materials into groups to facilitate handling
- Create barcodes for groups and materials
- Detailed reports for the warehouse system: inventory, material and warehouse movements
Depreciation of fixed assets
- Define and classify fixed assets
- Define consumption characteristics
- Preparing the required forms from the official authorities
- Create accounting entries automatically
- Statistical reports
Marks and Certificates
- Definition of subjects, teachers and exams for each class
- Managing and monitoring student grades
- Multiple forms of certificates
- The possibility of defining a sub-material and the possibility of setting certain percentages for the marks of each sub-material
- Include the final grade table form (quarterly and annually) required by the Ministry of Education
- Analytical reports to measure the performance of students and teachers
- Statistical reports for students’ grades
Human Resource Management
- employee salaries
- Personnel Affairs
- archiving system
- Attendance and Departure
- Disciplinary Action
- Employee Self-Service
- Notifications and alerts
Health Affairs
- Processing the student’s medical file (speech, vision, hearing, vaccinations).
- Monitoring the development of the health status of each student in all years of study
- Follow up on students’ daily and emergency visits to the clinic
Administrative Affairs
- Monitoring the attendance and absence of students
- Monitor student punishments
- Defining several libraries and inventorying their contents
- Search according to several parameters (name – publishing house – subject – author).
- Manual classification of books and documents
- Managing loan, return and fine operations
- Manage input and output operations (barcode support)
- Dealing with the names of students and employees identified in the registration and personnel affairs systems
- Detailed reports (early readers – book movement – loan movement)